Medway Council are looking for an officer with experience of working within the SEND system with detailed knowledge of the SEND Code of Practice to facilitate ongoing work, both in reducing the number of appeals to SENDIST and to lead on the resolution of appeals, as they arise. This will include supporting legal team with representing the Local Authority at First Tier SENDIST Tribunal hearings. In addition, the post holder will take a lead on managing the SEND mediation processes, including meetings with families, schools and a mediator. The role also requires providing support and coaching to the SEND Assessment and Monitoring Team in the resolution of casework. The role requires close attention to detail, analytical skills, excellent communication skills, teamwork and professionalism.
They are looking for people who have previously worked in a Local Authority with experience of the SEND processes in relation to EHNAs and EHCPs and are proud to support their families of children and young people with special educational needs.
This is a fast-paced environment; you will need to be able to work under pressure and be extremely well organised, taking a pro-active approach to your workload.
They are looking for an experienced SEND case officer to work in Medway Council where they will hold a caseload of children and provide an effective, evidence-based intervention with consideration of timeliness and impact.
- To represent the Local Authority at the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal and defend appropriateness of the proposed service provision for an individual child/young person, and exercise decision making duties with integrity.
- To provide key leadership in case management of SEN appeal related cases to ensure that the Council discharges its responsibilities effectively in relation to statutory appeals to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST).
- To develop practice across the SEND Assessment and Monitoring Team to reduce the Local Authority's exposure to risk of appeals to Tribunals, complaints, litigation and judicial review/complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman.
- To work directly with parents, schools, parental appointed legal representatives and other professional bodies within the statutory and legal framework related to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal process.
- To take the lead on complex casework, providing effective mediation, drawing on strong negotiation and influencing skills across a range of complex SEN issues between parents, schools and multi-disciplinary practitioners.
- To provide support and coaching to the SEND Assessment and Monitoring Team in the resolution of complex casework, ensuring that EHCP Coordinators and EHCP Officers build strategic links with schools, education provider services and other agencies to deliver positive outcomes for children and young people and to limit the Local Authority's exposure to risk of appeals to Tribunals.
- To be a source of expert advice to the Council and SEN officers on all aspects of the SENDIST.
- To ensure all documentation linked to SEN appeals is distributed appropriately and within specified time restraints.
- To coordinate allocation and attendance processes linked to mediation and resolution of all disputes relating to the SEND tribunal process.
- To attend resolution meetings with parents and other professionals in an attempt to settle disputed issues without the need for formal legal redress wherever possible. This will include responsibility for negotiating changes to the EHC plans using tact and diplomacy through working with families experiencing emotional turmoil.
- To ensure mediation and problem resolution is an active feature at an early stage in caseworkers' engagement with families to reduce tribunal numbers.
- To prepare evidence and responses to complaints and enquiries including from the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO).
- To track and monitor responses to enquiries, complaints, tribunals and LGO decisions, assisting service managers to prepare key documentation where needed.
- To ensure team members receive regular supervision, manage performance and support team development through annual performance review of directly supervised / line-managed staff.
- To ensure that the computerised database information is accurate and up to date at all times and that action is undertaken as required to ensure production of accurate and timely information.
- To attend and contribute to Ofsted, LA, DFE and peer inspections and discussions, as required.
- To contribute to the development of multi-agency forums and groups focused on raising standards in the quality of education, inclusion, behaviour and attendance.
- To support the development of training and professional conference offers to practitioners in Medway.
- GCSE English Qualifications, including English and Maths (grade 4 or C and above).
- Professional qualifications in education or other relevant qualification
- In depth knowledge and understanding of current SEN legislation and reform, statutory procedures and processes governing the provision of services for children with special educational needs.
- Extensive knowledge and understanding of the impact of SEND on children and young people's educational, health and social care outcomes.
- Thorough knowledge of the services and agencies which might be involved in EHC assessments and EHC Plan delivery.
- Extensive knowledge of the types of special needs and disabilities that effect children's education and an ability to develop this knowledge.
- Extensive knowledge of the issues faced by children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.
If you would like to apply for this role or like a further discussion please contact Charlotte Newton at Tempest Resourcing.